About Us

Helping Investors & HomeOwners

Achieve The American Dream

Find, Locate, and Renovate Your Next Home

Helping Your Locate Your Future Home For Investing or First Time Purchase

Our Story

We see more demand for housing than there is current supply. People from every area of society seek to own their own home. Having discovered hidden pocket markets, we can bring the deals to you!  We constantly chase federal and local court cases where we find amazing homes. Usually these homes need minor improvements. We focus on the discovery, bidding, buying, and rennovation.

We started with a 10,000 investment over 10 years ago and have expanded that to over 1.8 million in investments. Now we want to help others make the right investments for themselves.

Let us help you locate your primary home or investment home today. We have experience rennovating every style Chicago home. Understanding the benefits and possible issues is half the battle. Let us help you identify your next prize.

Why Choose Us?

We are a small, or as some in the business refer too as a, boutique operation that helps perspective homeowners achieve the American Dream. We use unconventional methods in this process by coaching buyers how to get value from their purchase, managing budgets to pay dues, taxes, repairs and municipal obligations. We seek people who can not secure a loan through conventional methods and would like to purchase a home. We secure these homes through court ordered sales, tax sales and federal sales.

Benefit From Investments?

Whatever type of home you are looking for, whether in Chicago or the suburbs, we have extensive market-knowledge and amazing buying deals. We started by identifying and investing in Chicago style homes over 10 years ago. We built a large rental empire and began helping others focus there money into strategic investments as well. Let us help you make the right decisions. Don’t suffer from past misleading paths that require 10-50K initial investment and such mistakes, learn from our successes. 

Chicago Land Contract

60628 South Chicago

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